Book reviews from GrantW

Wyoming, United States

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GrantW's average rating is 4 of 5 Stars.

A History Of Violence

by Johnlocke, Vince Wagner

On Sep 14 2012, GrantW said:
GrantW rated this book 4 of 5 Stars.
The basis for David Cronenberg's 2005 film of the same name, is an unsettling story of a man with a violent past which he thought long buried. The film only bears a slight resemblance to it's source material (it's shorter and surprisingly, much punchier). The book's second chapter is a long digression into the main character's past might turn off some readers. Also Vince Locke's art doesn't have the same precision as others and readers could either like it or detest it for that very reason. If you read it as a graphic novel and don't think about the movie, then you'll see why a film was made of it. You probably won't like it if you have seen the film already.