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Own your own corporation why the rich own their own companies and everyone else works for themby Garrett SuttonISBN 13: 9780446539067

ISBN 10: 0446539066

Paperback;New York: Business Plus, 2008;

OWN YOUR OWN CORPORATION reveals the legal secrets and strategies that the rich have used for generations to run their businesses and protect their assets. Written in a clear and easily understandable style, and now completely revised and updated to reflect important changes in rules and regulations, OWN YOUR OWN CORPORATION provides the necessary knowledge to save thousands of dollars in taxes and protect your family assets from the attacks of creditors.OWN YOUR OWN CORPORATION illustrates how to:Select the best entity for your own personal strategy Maximize the incredible benefits of corporations for asset protection and tax savings Raise money for your new venture Use employment agreements for your benefit Easily prepare and maintain corporate records

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