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Questions before ordering? Use this form to request more information from BOOK-SERVICE Lars Lutzer - ANTIQUARIAN BOOKS - LITERATURE SEARCH *** BOOKSERVICE *** ANTIQUARIAN RESEARCH About Value Investing: From Graham to Buffett and Beyond (Wiley Finance) von Bruce C. N. Greenwald (Autor), Judd Kahn (Autor), Paul D. Sonkin (Autor), Michael van Biema fundamental principles of value investing investment technique Warren Buffett Michael Price Mario Gabellio successful value investors Finance Asset Management Value Fund No one can doubt there's an urgent need to think clearly about investing, since many investors in Silicon Valley companies have suffered a stock market decline comparable to the Crash of '29. The burned investor could find no better starting place than this superb book by four New York City value investors, all descended from the master of value investing, Benjamin Graham They have written one of the most intelligent overviews of investing I've ever read, combining analytical rigor with intuitive description." (DAVID A. SYLVESTER, Published Sunday, Oct. 21, 2001, in the San Jose Mercury News) "Greenwald is an excellent guide on this subject" From the "guru to Wall Street's gurus" co.