Shipping costs for The Novels and Romances of Edward Bulwer Lytton (Complete 40 Vol. Set) I-II. The Caxtons.--III-VI. My novel.--VII-IX. What will he do with it?--X-XI. Pelham. Falkland.--XII-XIII. The disowned.--XIV-XV. Paul Clifford.--XVI. Godolphin.--XVII. Ernest Maltravers.--XVIII. Alice.--XIX-XX. Night and morning.--XXI. Lucretia.--XXII-XXIII. Kenelm Chillingly. The coming race.--XXIV-XXV. The Parisians.--XXVI. Eugene Aram.--XXVII. The pilgrims of the Rhine. The ideal world. Zicci.--XXVIII. Zanoni.--XXIX-XXX. A strange story. The haunted and the haunters.--XXXI-XXXII. Devereux.--XXXIII. The last days of Pompeii.--XXXIV-XXXV. Rienzi.--XXXVI. Leila. Calderon the courtier. Pausanias the Spartan.--XXXVII-XXXVIII. The last of the barons.--XXXIX-XL. Harold